Give the gift of a year of Robb Vices and enjoy the good life with someone you love on a monthly basis.
Our January Box centers around a New Year, New You theme.
We incorporate a touch of nostalgia, a nod to the future, and most importantly a few things to help you celebrate the present moment.
Designed to give you a reason to celebrate. Bring people over, open up something new, and share something with your friends and family.
This box salutes "That Moment In The Night." Perhaps it even calls it forth.
All the items we take on our own ventures outside.
This month is all about innovation, collaboration, ingenuity, drive, and daring.
Choose your plan that's right for you and set up an account with us.
We partner with great brands to deliver a unique set of items to your door each month.
Once a month you will receive a selection of curated products and experiences.